Dr. Enna Hughes


Dr. Enna Hughes
Dr. Enna Hughes Veterinarian

Dr. Enna has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was very young. Enna graduated from the University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College in 1998. She also has an Honours Bachelor of Science degree with a focus on Nutritional Sciences. Enna feels that continuing education – staying current with new treatments, techniques and developing medicine – is vital to being able to provide appropriate veterinary care. She recognizes the vital part of our hearts that our pets hold and endeavors in all she does to support the special bond we share. Our pets share our homes and their loving companionship makes all our lives fuller, happier and allows us to experience so much more joy. Enna feels that the most important and most wonderful parts of her job are assisting pet parents to understand and support their pets and helping those pets live longer healthier lives.

Dr. Enna is a member and past president of the Toronto Academy of Veterinary Medicine and a member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, where she is recognized annually for exceeding the continuing education requirements. Dr. Enna and her husband share a home with their 3 children and their new puppy (a Nova Scotia Duck-tolling Retriever) Sammy, Livy - a Labrador Retriever, and 2 cats: Misty and Franki. In what little spare time Enna has, she enjoys hiking with her dogs, watercolour painting, reading, and planning activities for her family that will actually get three very different teenagers engaged.