Surgical Services

From surgery to recuperation, your pet's safety is our primary focus.

Surgery for your loyal companion may sound scary, but at Don Head Village Animal Clinic they are in great hands. During every procedure the safety and comfort of your pet companion is our highest priority. We do everything possible to make sure the experience is stress-free and positive for both you and your pet.

How safe is surgery for my pet?

During surgery the well-being of your loyal companion is paramount. Our clinic follows safety protocols to ensure everything goes well. For starters before every procedure we perform pre-anesthetic blood screening. This is even more important if your pet is older or has existing medical conditions. By testing your pet’s blood levels our veterinarians can detect any underlying condition and determine how much anesthesia is safe for your pet. To get a better sense of your pet’s overall well-being we perform a full physical to make sure they will react well to the surgery.

What happens during veterinary surgery?

During the operation our doctors work gently with precision and care. Each procedure requires expertise to minimize risks and keep your furry friend safe. We closely monitor your loyal companion. Our team is constantly checking their blood pressure, oxygen levels and heart rate to make sure they are normal and steady. This, along with the anesthesia that is administered, ensures they are safe and as comfortable as possible. Once the procedure is complete we assign a technician to monitor your pet until they recover from anesthesia. We discharge pets when they are able to sit up comfortably. Our team will provide aftercare instructions and create a pain control plan to help them recover.

What surgical procedures are performed at your clinic?

Our clinic offers a wide range of surgical procedures to improve your loyal companion’s life. Some surgical procedures we perform at our clinic include:

  • Routine spay and neuter
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Bladder stone removal (cystotomy)
  • Abdominal surgery

For other procedures that may be more complex and require specialized training we provide referrals. For instance, we refer orthopedic surgeries to one of several Board Certified Orthopedic Veterinary Surgeons in the GTA.

How can I care for my pet post-operation?

After surgery your pet may not be their normal self. It is important to remember they may not be able to continue their active lifestyle until they fully recover. You should always monitor your pet closely post-surgery. Our team will provide information on how to ensure they have a smooth recovery. This may include giving them their medications on time, ensuring they don’t lick or scratch their incisions, keeping them hydrated and properly fed, as well as limiting their physical activities. You may also show your pet more affection and give more cuddles as they recover. If you have questions or concerns after your pet’s surgery we encourage you to reach out to us at 905-707-9059.

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